Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Having a Keyword-Optimised URL Structure is a Must, Says an SEO Agency

Almost every business owner doing SEO to their websites know the importance of integrating keywords into each webpage. Yet only a few are aware that optimising a website’s URL structure can also have a significant impact on their website’s rankings on Google. Optimised URL structures also do users a favour, as they are advised on what they can expect from a particular link. URL Structures, Search Engines, and Users Normally, search engines like Google crawls any URL as long as these have a clear link. Search engines wouldn’t have any trouble at all indexing long URLs containing numerous levels of directories and subdirectories.

Web Designers Share the Benefits of a Well-Rounded Approach to Design

As a growing number of Sydney businesses are now employing the power of the Internet to boost sales and address their target audience, it is wise to take advantage of the services that a professional web design specialist has to offer. The Presentation Studies have shown that 45 per cent of individuals will base their perception of a company on its branding and how it presents itself. So, it is crucial that the website of any Sydney business is able to reflect its unique position as well as the values that they embrace. From the colours and the layout to the text itself, this approach will help to ensure that the correct demographic is targeted and all the pages enjoy improved click-through rates.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Combining Effective Online Marketing and Website Design Strategies

It is estimated that approximately 40 per cent of the global population is now using the Internet; many of these individuals living in developed and urban regions. Cities such as Sydney present a wealth of opportunities and challenges. How can a business reach it prospective audience while displaying a product or service in a unique manner? Most experts would agree that online marketing is a great strategy to embrace. One should note, however, that this will prove to be less effective without implementing the proper approach to website design. Why Website Design? Those who offer website design services in Sydney are primarily interested in developing the most visually palatable and yet functional platforms. This is critical for two reasons. First, the end-user experience will often determine whether initial interest is transformed into a conversion. Secondly, Google has placed a great deal of importance on the layout of pages.

Digital Marketing in Today’s World is More than Just Search Engines

Since the advent of smartphones, digital marketing plays an increasingly large part in promoting one’s brand and increasing day to day business. Since those early days of advertising on the internet, the beginning of online shopping and home deliveries; more businesses than ever before are turning to the internet to increase market share, with smartphones playing an increasingly large part. To make the most of any digital marketing campaign, getting all the various sections working in harmony is a marketing company’s prime objective. Once this has been established, the search engines should do the rest. Knowing Your Needs Assuming of course you have already commissioned your website, knowing your products or services, and who will benefit most from them is the first thing to be researched. In this instance, digital marketing companies are streets ahead of those businesses managing their own marketing strategy.